This a VERTICAL reciever where by the liquid from the condensor generally comes in through the top of the vessel and exits out the bottom through a drier shell, to the liquid header and out to the cases via the TXVs. Notice how this vessel has sight glasses, from there you can gauge how much liquid is in the reciever.
This is a receiver with a level indicator. These do go bad so do not rely on these as a sole means of checking receiver level. If you truly want to know what the level of liquid is you can do what is known as “TORCHING THE RECEIVER”. This is where you use your small canister hand held mapp gas torch, and run it UP & DOWN the receiver starting from the bottom and working upwards for a few minutes. Then with the BACK of your hand run it along the area you just “TORCHED” and it will feel WARM. That means there is liquid present up until when you feel a section that is HOT. Mark it with a sharpie to know where you’re at regarding the liquid level. NOTE: These particular types of mechanical level housing are subject to leaking so when leak checking a store DO NOT overlook these.Spray around housing with liquid leak detector.
This is a vertical reciever, notice how it has sight glasses on it. There are four sight glasses on it, each one representing approximately 20% capacity. Recievers are generally sized to hold 80% of the Liquid refrigerant charge.
A few notes here on this one. This is where an analog mechanical float gauge can be installed, and can also be a source of a leak , always check all the fittings around the reciever when doing a leak check.
The pressure relief valve is for when the pressure gets too high in the reciever which is a pressure vessel, generally the HPC on the compressors should shut off the compressors first before this valve relieves itself. Now take note sometimes contractors will add cases or add more compressors to the rack which in turn means more refrigerant needed but fail to add another reciever or up size whats on there, so be verycarefrul when pumping down a rack never ever have any of your body parts near this because when they relieve they will do so with a vengence.. Relief valves can be a source of intermittent leaks as well a good way to check is to put a balloon over the hole, and if you notice the balloon blown up or missing good chance the relief valve opened in which it will need to be replaced.
This a VERTICAL reciever where by the liquid from the condensor generally comes in through the top of the vessel and exits out the bottom through a drier shell, to the mail liquid header and out to the cases via the TXVs. Notice how this vessel has sight glasses, from there you can gauge how much liquid is in the reciever.
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